
Are Found In A Wide Variety Of Animals With Bilateral Symmetry, From Fruit Flies To Vertebrates


While scientists are notwithstanding trying to determine the different ways that bilateral symmetry in animals is advantageous, the most obvious benefit is that it enhances an fauna's mobility. It allows fluid movement in a detail management, which helps when an animal is searching for food or trying to escape danger.

All vertebrates have bilateral symmetry besides as some invertebrates. Bilateral symmetry refers to both sides of the body being a mirror paradigm of each other when viewed across a central axis. On either side of the central centrality, the arrangement of an animal's body parts is the aforementioned. This only applies to the torso shape, not the internal organs.

What Is a Sagittal Plane?

To explicate bilateral symmetry, an imaginary line tin be drawn forth the length of an creature. Starting at the tip of its olfactory organ and ending at the tip of the tail, this line splits the body into two halves. The left side and right side mirror each other, and the line that divides these halves is called the sagittal plane. In well-nigh animals, the sagittal plane runs horizontally. However, in humans, it runs vertically considering of our upright orientation.

Despite this left and right symmetry, the two halves aren't necessarily identical. For case, a whale might have a slightly bigger flipper on 1 side than on the other.

What Are the Chief Advantages of Bilateral Symmetry?

Animals with bilateral symmetry have greater motion capabilities in a particular direction. Their bodies are also streamlined, which is very beneficial for some animals, such as marine animals, as it allows for move at a faster speed.

The sensory organs are all clustered in the head, which is called cephalization. As forward motion is used to travel, this means an animal's head meets and reacts to stimuli before the rest of the body. As a upshot, the hearing and eyesight of animals with bilateral symmetry are more enhanced than in animals displaying radial symmetry.

What Other Characteristics Are There?

Animals with bilateral symmetry all accept a head (inductive) and a tail (posterior) area, a left and right side, and a pinnacle (dorsal) and bottom (ventral). The majority have a primal nervous system with a complex brain and facial features that include a mouth and two eyes. A benefit of having a separate tail and head expanse is that food is consumed at one terminate of the body and waste is excreted at the other end.

Bilateral symmetry helps animals move easily in a forward direction and helps animals go on their balance. For example, a lioness with four normal legs can run and chase efficiently whereas one that has been injured and has a damaged mitt or limb is at a disadvantage when trying to do either activity.

Examples of Animals With Bilateral Symmetry

Bilateral symmetry, which is too chosen aeroplane symmetry, exists in 99 percent of animals. Most phyla are included in this, such as Arthropoda, Annelida, Chordata, Nematoda, Platyzoa, and the bulk of Mollusca.

Therefore, as well every bit humans and marine mammals, such equally whales, examples of animals with bilateral symmetry include cats, dogs, mice, bears, elephants, crabs, wolves, frogs, birds, giraffes, and badgers.

Butterflies have exceptional bilateral symmetry. As well equally having a symmetrical torso shape, the patterns on their wings are almost identical.

What Is Radial Symmetry?

The other chief type of symmetry in animals is chosen radial symmetry. This ways an animal has numerous axes passing through the center of the body with equal halves displayed along whatever of the axes. They tin can motility in any management equally opposed to the forward movement favored by animals with bilateral symmetry. A starfish has radial symmetry, as does a jellyfish.

These animals move slowly and have sensory organs dotted around rather than fixed in a central nervous system. They take a height and a bottom likewise as an oral side (including a mouth) and an aboral side (without a oral cavity).

Animals with radial symmetry can regenerate parts of their bodies. For example, if a ocean star loses an arm, it tin grow a new one.

Exceptions to Bilateral and Radial Symmetry

Some animals accept biradial symmetry or pentaradial symmetry. Biradial combines both bilateral and radial symmetry. The trunk has four sections beyond a central axis, and each of these is the same as the i opposite it but different from the 1 next to information technology. Pentaradial has five sections, which are all equal, such as in sea urchins and sand dollars. Echinoderms are special because they outset life with bilateral symmetry then switch to pentaradial symmetry equally adults. Some animals don't fall into any of these categories equally they are asymmetrical, such as sponges.


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